So you've started working in a SEN school with children with additional needs. Perhaps with different learning difficulties, maybe some physical disabilities, some with autism or Downs Syndrome. And you have had a few incidences of challenging behaviour and are considering how to move forwards and support the child.The behaviour policies where you previously worked or trained in a mainstream school focused heavily on consequences and rewards for behaviours deemed good or bad. But you're not sure whether that is appropriate here, why?
You first need to consider: Is this a meltdown or is it chosen behaviour?
Which you decide it is will change how you proceed and how you decide to manage the behaviour.
A meltdown is different to a chosen behaviour because it comes about through sensory overload and almost always happens when a child is so overloaded that they can no longer control their own behaviours easily.

If behaviours are indeed a meltdown and occuring due to sensory overloand, no amount of sanctions or rewards will stop this behaviour from happening. When the behaviour happens the child is no longer in full control of their actions. However, there are still some things you can do to support the child and to decrease the amount of meltdowns and challenging behaviours that occur.
- Record - make a record of what happened. It is best to record what time it was, a brief account of what happened. What was happening before the event and what happened after the event. The aim of recording is to try and work out if there are any triggers for the meltdowns or if there is anything that happens afterwards that helps the child to become calmer and regain control.
- Reduce Triggers - if from the recording and observing you have worked out that there are certain triggers for meltdowns to occur then you could work to reduce or avoid those triggers. For example, if you have seen from your observations that loud noises are a trigger and the child is upset by loud noises, then you would try to avoid situations where loud noises may be likely to occur, such as activities involving fireworks. You may also try to lessen the loudness of any loud noises, for example, if you had a very loud door knocker on the door you might replace it with a more gentle doorbell to reduce the likely noise from this.
- Coping mechanisms - despite everyone's best intentions, it is impossible to avoid all triggers. This means that at some point the child you're supporting will experience sensory overload. As you know this is likely to happen, you can support your child to use coping mechanisms to help themselves when this inevitably occurs. For example, if you know that loud noises will be a trigger to a child then you might explain to the child that they need to carry ear defenders and put these onto their ears to block the noise when loud noises start occuring. You may also support a child to explain that in the event they don't have ear defenders they could put their hands over their ears to temporarily block out the sound and move to a quieter place. You need to work out that coping mechanisms will work for different triggers and then support the child to learn to use these gradually.
- Calm Down Techniques - there will always be times when a meltdown occurs despite trying to avoid this happening. When a meltdown occurs it is best to try and find methods to support the child to regain their calmness while limiting any behaviours that might hurt or break anything. So for example, if a child often becomes upset and starts banging their head, then you may want to have an area set aside with soft furnishings like cushions or bean bags so that they are unlikely to hurt their heads when doing this. If you know that they like soft lights or music then you may want to have soft lights or music in the area to help the child calm down. During the meltdown is not a time to discuss the behaviour with the child, they are not currently in control of their behaviours and they are already so overloaded that they are unlikely to be able to express themselves or explain things to you let alone be able to take in anything you are saying to them. Now is the time for calm reassuring words and comforts.
- Discussion - after a child has had sufficient time to calm after a meltdown - wait. When a child has just reached calm they are still feeling the effects of the adrenaline and fright that has gone through them during their meltdown. Discussing the incident with them at this point might lead to them getting upset and going into another meltdown. So once a child appears calm always wait a bit longer before discussing the incident with them. Once they are calm ask them to explain what happened and why they were upset. The information they give might help to feed into your recording and help you to spot triggers you might not have realised were upsetting the child. You can also discuss with the child any coping mechanisms they could have used and remind them that they need to try and use them next time this happens.
But what if the behaviour is not a meltdown? What if it is a chosen behaviour?
Not all challenging behaviours will be as a result of a meltdown. It's often said that one way of telling a meltdown from a chosen behaviour, is if you give the child something they like a meltdown will not generally stop whereas a chosen behaviour often will. Just like with any child, there will be times when a child has chosen to act in a specific way. However, just like with all children, challenging behaviours are a form of communication, the child is trying to say something. Working out what the child is trying to communicate is the best way to try and lessen the behaviours. For example, is the child trying to gain adult attention? Are they trying to get something they want? Are they bored of what they are doing? Are they trying to get out of something? Or a whole range of other reasons. There are some different methods you can use to try and lessen these behaviours:
- Alternative ways to communicate - support the child to explain what they want without using behaviours to do this. For example, you might remind the child that if they want something they can ask for it, or provide the child with picture cards if they have limited verbal communication.
- Provide more of the thing they are trying to get - so if the child is wanting time with a particular toy, proactively give them more time with this toy before they choose to use challenging behaviour to try and get it. However, give them clear time limits and warnings of when their turn is going to end.
- Give them appropriate ways to get out of things they don't like for short periods - if you know a child finds a certain activity difficult and doesn't like it, give them an appropriate way of getting out of the activity for a short period. This allows them to take a break without disrupting the activity for others. You might tell them they can ask for a break, or you might give them a 'take a break' card they can give to an adult to leave the activity for a few minutes. You might use a timer and set an amount of time they can leave the activity for.
- Rewards - help children to understand when behaviour is appropriate by rewarding this behaviour. The rewards don't have to be big like toys or stickers, simple praise is a big motivator for most children. So if a child is at an activity you know they don't usually like then you can give them some praise for being there and joining in. You might also use a reward if a child does something for a specified time, like if they stay at an unfavoured activity for five minutes then they can have two minutes at a favoured activity.
- Sanctions - sometimes sanctions are necessary. However, I think the best sanctions are natural consequences from the behaviour. For example, telling a child they will now have to write 100 lines is not a natural consequence from them hitting a friend during play or throwing all the colouring pencils aroumd during an art lesson. A natural consequence is something that happens because of the behaviour. So for instance if the child hits a friend while playing, they might have to sit out of play for two minutes because they are not playing gently. If they have thrown the colouring pencils around during an art lesson then a natural consequence would be having to spend two minutes after the lesson missing their recess to pick the pencils up again. Personally, I think consequences work much better as they naturally explain to the child that the behaviour isn't helpful to others and also not to themselves.
However, this is all a learning process for everyone. No one can work out whether a behaviour is a meltdown or a chosen behaviour 100% of the time. We all get it wrong once in a while, and even when we get it right, we don't work out what the best course of action is in every instance. It is okay to get it wrong and it is okay to keep trying and keep observing to try and support the child more as you continue working with them.